The state of Missouri requires each district have a Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP). As part of developing this plan, it is the intent of the district to gather input from the internal and external stakeholders of the district. The survey will be available until Sunday, September 18th. If you are a parent, grandparent, community member, or business owner -- please consider providing feedback to help guide our improvement plan.

Tonight's JHBB games at @ Walnut Grove will start at 5:00 and there will be a full A game and 1/2 B game to follow that. Go Eagles!

Check out the events going on this week!

Due to some items not being delivered on the food truck on the most recent delivery, today's breakfast will be pancakes instead!

Big win to kick off the year! Nice job, boys!

Tonight’s VB match has been pushed back to a 6:00 start time due to traffic issues NCA has encountered on the way here.

Good afternoon everyone!
I created an alert list only for those who have bus riders. If you did not receive the message/alert, please contact the office so you can be added to the list. If you received it, and your student does not ride the bus, please do the same. That list will only be used to convey alerts pertaining to transportation.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mr. Long

Please visit the following link for information related to Miles for Smiles. We do not have a date or time yet. Those items will be posted once we receive confirmation from MFS. Please contact Nurse Joyce with any questions you may have.

JHBB opens their season on the road tonight @ Everton.
Tonight's VB match with NCA will be JV first and V second.

15 students gathered in the Ag. Room at 6 pm and performed opening and closing ceremonies. All 8 officers and the advisor were present. Present members discussed old and new business and planning the next officer breakfast and next month’s chapter meeting.
Around 11 am, Maggie Reed and Kyndall Scott prepared homemade cookies for the outing later that night. Homemade vanilla ice cream was produced and distributed via Mr. Lee. The ice cream was enjoyed by all present with many receiving second helpings.
The members split into 8 teams of two and participated in a single-elimination bracket of cornhole. Even Mr. Lee played in the tournament. The eventual victors of the tournament were Asher Skelton and Nathan Weiser. The second place team was Robby Stafford and Ty Force.
Members worked in teamwork capabilities and learned that cornhole is much more fun than it looks.
Asher Skelton,
FFA Reporter

Tomorrow is National Beard Day. I had the privilege of sitting with the best beards in the building today! Nice beards, Kindergarten! Hopefully mine will look that good one day!

The Golden City R-III School District is looking for a Parents as Teachers
Educator. For additional information or to obtain an application, you may call the
Superintendent’s Office at 417-537-4900 or visit the district web site at

The Golden City R-III School District has an opening on the Board of Education. This position will run through the Spring 2023 election, at which time a member will be elected for the unexpired term. Interested residents should make their desire known by sending a letter to Ms. Jamie Baker, the Secretary of the Board, stating their qualifications and reason for wishing to be on the Board. The letter may be sent to Golden City R-III Schools, 1208 Walnut St., Golden City, MO 64748. Letters of interest will be accepted for a period of two weeks and should be sent to the Board Office by September 21, 2022.
QUALIFICATIONS: Members of the Board of Education shall be citizens of the
United States and resident taxpayers of the Golden City R-III School District.
They shall also have resided in the state for one year preceding their election.
Members shall be at least twenty-four years of age. All board members should
have knowledge of and an interest in the welfare and educational opportunities of students.

Here is the link to tonight’s Ozark 7 VB match up vs Verona!

There will be a booster club meeting on Thursday 9/1 immediately following the volleyball game. New officers will be elected. If you have a student-athlete participating in any extra-curricular activities, please consider joining!

Here is the schedule for the Jasper Invitational on Saturday. Come out and support your Lady Eagles!
9:45 vs McAuley
10:30 vs College Heights
12:45 vs Sheldon
Single elimination bracket play will begin at approximately 1:30.
Gate fee will be $5 for adults and $3 for kids 5 and up.

Here is the link to tonight’s jamboree games!

HSVB will host a jamboree tonight beginning at 5:00. This will be your first chance to catch the defending Ozark 7 Tri-Champs in action! Come out and support the girls as they get ready to kick off their season. See you there!

Tomorrow is the big day! We can’t wait to welcome our students back for another great year! Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Drop off will be the same as last year. Buses will unload in the circle drive, elementary students will be dropped off in the back, and JH/HS students will be dropped off by the superintendents office. Please do not pull into the circle drive.
2. Pre-K and K parents, feel free to walk in with your kiddos for their first day!
3. If you have not turned in registration paperwork, please do so tomorrow.
4. There are no seconds the first two weeks of school to ensure we get our menu and ordering process done efficiently.
5. Please be patient with pick-up/drop-off times the first two weeks as we work to adjust accordingly. Please make sure the office has the correct locations.
These are just a few things. If you have questions, email Mr. Long. We can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow!

Crowder will be here on Thursday at 9:00 am to administer placement tests for dual credit classes that would be taken at Golden City. If your 11th grade or 12th grade student is interested in taking these classes, and they have not already taken the placement tests, please have them be here during that time. Please email Mr. Long with any questions you may have.